Hi all – details of news and runs below.
Well done: to everyone who ran at The Run last night – a great turnout!
Dates for diaries: The date for the Double Gravs is Wednesday, 10 August. The drinks and presentation after will be at the Marina. If you would like to run and aren’t on Facebook please let me know via this email address. Mark Rowlson is taking names of runners and marshals.
Club runs
Gaby Neher leads trail runs on Thursdays, 6.30 pm, and the current meeting point is at the White Lion, Town Street, Bramcote.
Good luck everyone doing the Brassington Fell Race today.
Friday, 29 July: 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia. Toilets and changing rooms are open. The run will be to the parkrun route via The Strand, just under 6 miles.
Good luck everyone doing the Newstead Abbey Dash.
Saturday, 30 July: See you at Beeston parkrun, 9.00 am at the Weirfields, Beeston Rylands NG9 1LZ http://www.parkrun.org.uk/beeston/. Details of other local parkruns including Wollaton Hall are also available on the web link.
Good luck everyone doing the Heckington 10.
Sunday, 31 July: Please meet at 8.50 am for a 9.00 am start from Stanton Gate, Moorbridge Lane.
Tuesday, 2 August: The speed session: these are usually at the Moor Lane running track, NG9 3FH (though there may sometimes be hills elsewhere!). Further details of the session will be posted on Facebook. Sessions start at 6.30 pm; please arrive early to warm up if appropriate.
Wednesday, 3 August: NO CLUB RUN as it’s the final race of the Summer League at Teversal tonight and it’s all to play for! Good luck to everyone going, let’s have a great evening! The race is at Carnavon Street, Teversal, Sutton-in-Ashfield, NG17 3HJ at 7.15 pm and medals will be presented after the race.
Don’t forget it’s the Double Gravs next week.
Advertised Dates for Races – full list on Facebook (pinned list)
The Road League list is available at: https://beestonac.com/road-races
The Fell League list is available at: https://beestonac.com/fell-races
Entries are open for the Castle Rock 10K on Friday, 19 August, 7 pm at the University of Nottingham (County Champs): entry link here. Summer League Info for 2022 (all between 5-6 miles in length, mixed surface). These are free to enter for registered Club members, just turn up in your vest: the last race is SL5 Teversal 3rd August, 7.15 pm, Sutton-in-Ashfield NG17 3HJ. The presentation of medals takes place after the race.
County Championship Races for 2022 https://www.nottsaaa.org/landingpage/county-champs-2022
10K Formula One, 19 August, 7.00 pm, University of Nottingham, entries here
Notts County Development League: The last meeting is on 4 September at Mansfield. Full details are at https://www.nottsaaa.org/landingpage/notts-county-development-league.
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
See website at http://beestonac.com/ for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac . Facebook page here. If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request.
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