1. Club runs 19 October to 17 October 2018 inclusive
Friday, 19 October – there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Distance 5-7 miles, drinks after in the Crown, usually from 9.00 pm onwards. Please remember your high-vis top.
Saturday, 20 October – Beeston parkrun, 9.00 am at the Weirfields, Beeston Rylands NG9 1LZ http://www.parkrun.org.uk/beeston/ .
Sunday, 21 October – the weekly Sunday run is from Moorbridge Lane, Stanton Gate, meeting time is 8.50 am to start at 9.00 am, distance about 10 miles over footpaths and trails.
Tuesday, 23 October: David Patrick is in charge. Speed session. Meet at 6.15 pm at the start of the access road to the University of Nottingham Sports Centre for a warm up run to University Boulevard for 6.30pm. The session is 18 x 1 minute fast runs.
Tuesday Rebel Runners, Chilwell, The Village Hotel: This is usually a 5K run (sometimes with other options); details of the run are posted weekly on the Rebel Runners Facebook page. Meet 6.30 pm in the foyer for 6.40 pm depart. A new beginners course is currently under way.
Wednesday, 24 October – there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Distance 5-7-10 miles. Penny Page will also be there to lead the improvers on a run. Please remember to wear something light/hi-vis.
2. Upcoming Races on the Calendar
Sunday, 21 October, Undulator, 10.30 am, £5 entry payable on the day
Sunday, 28 October, Worksop Half Marathon, 10.00 am
Sunday, 4 November, Dovedale Dash
Saturday, 10 November, North Midlands XC League, Kettering (Women’s races 1.50 pm (6K), men 2.20 pm (10K))
For those who have not tried it before, the Undulator is a lovely race with great views at the top, featuring different terrains, and is 8.4 miles long with 1260ft of ascent. Further details here.
The closing date for Worksop Half marathon entries is 11 pm on 21 October, unless the entry limit has been reached before then.
3. Social round up
Brooks try on evening at Up and Running, Huntingdon Street: Don’t forget the try on night at Up and Running for Beeston AC members, for 6.00 pm onwards next Thursday, 25 October. The Brooks rep will be there with a selection of running shoes and running bras for people to try on and test on a short run. Club members can get 10% off all full price stock. There is the option to go for a drink after as well. If you are interested, please complete the poll on the Club’s Facebook page.
Christmas Party: The venue is The Shed, Beeston Youth and Community Centre, Friday 14 December 7.30 pm till late. Cost £12 per person, please pay Penny Page or Jane Lewis by 1 November. There will be a disco from 8.00 pm and hot food provided by The Wolf Hut, followed by seasonal desserts and cakes!! Details for bank payments: sort code 40-47-87 account 52679035 Reference: Christmas.
Frosty Five: The inaugural Frosty 5 run will take place on Sunday, 4 November at 2.00 pm starting at The Star. The 5K route takes in 4 Beeston pubs before returning back to the start for a final drink and a chip cob! Two different levels – the Schooner (2.5 pints) £11 and the Stein (5 pints) £20, prices include beer and chip cob. Although this is the same date as the Dovedale Dash we hope the timing will allow runners to do both! Contact Paul Page or Jane Lewis for more details.
4. Voting for Athlete of the Year and notification of the AGM
An email with an updated AGM agenda and a link to the Athlete of the Year vote has been circulated separately to first claim registered members earlier this week. Please email me back if you have not received this and should have been on the circulation list. The closing date for votes is 25 October. The award will be presented at the forthcoming AGM, Tuesday, 6 November 2018 in the Victoria Hotel.
5. Welcome: to Paul Cross and Sam Foster; happy running with Beeston AC!
6. Well done: to everyone who ran at the weekend, including the Leicester Marathon on Sunday in the pouring rain –some of us went to a Silent Disco at Oxjam instead! Some very good times were achieved in the rain. Also well done to everyone who participated in the first North Midlands League cross country race of the season – some great results with Beeston Men’s Vets currently in second place, the Lady Vets in fifth!
7. Good news
Many Club members will know David Denton, who organises lots of races in which we have participated, including fell races, relays and mid-week races. David has been ill recently, but is making a good recovery. The Club sends good wishes to Dave; it’s great to see him back in action!
9. General
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.
Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information. See website at http://beestonac.com/ for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac. PBs should be notified to admin@beestonac.com , together with time, distance, date and race.
If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request.
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