1. Club runs 13 to 18 September inclusive
Friday, 13 September – there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Distance 5-7 miles, usually drinks after in the Crown, from 9.00 pm onwards. Further information on Facebook. Could be in The Star this week 😀🌠
Saturday, 14 September – Beeston parkrun, 9.00 am at the Weirfields, Beeston Rylands NG9 1LZ http://www.parkrun.org.uk/beeston/ .
Sunday, 15 September – the Sunday run will be from Moorbridge Lane, Stanton Gate, (meeting time at 8.50 am to start at 9.00 am), further details to follow on Facebook.
Tuesday, 17 September speed: This will be a track session at Bramcote (parking on Moor Lane NG9 3GA or Leisure Centre car park). Meet 6.15 for warm up, session starts 6.30 pm. Further details to follow on Facebook. Come whilst it's still light!
Tuesday, 17 September : Tuesday Rebel Runners, Chilwell, The Village Hotel: This is usually a 5K run (sometimes with other options); details of the run are posted weekly on the Rebel Runners Facebook page. Meet 6.30 pm in the foyer for 6.40 pm depart.
Wednesday, 18 September – there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. There may be drinks afterwards in the Vic.
2. Upcoming Races on the Calendar
Road: Sunday, 29th September: Robin Hood Half Marathon, 9.30 am, NG2 2JY.
Road: Sunday, 6th October: Goose Fair Gallop 10K, 9.30 am, America Farm, Annesley, NG15 0AT
Road: Sunday, 13th October: Stilton Stumble 10K, 10.00 am, Cropwell Bishop Memorial Hall, NG12 3BA.
Fell: Sunday, 10th October: The Undulator, 10.30 am, Wirksworth, Lime Kiln DE4 4NR.
Road race league information is located on the Club website at: http://beestonac.com/events/category/events/bac-road-race-league-2019 . The fell race calendar is available at http://beestonac.com/cross-country-races. |
3. Social events – Beeston AC goes to the dogs: A night at the Dogs is on offer. This is at Nottingham Greyhound Stadium, 6.00 pm Friday 27th September, £5 all of which will be donated to the Brain Tumour Charity. Bets taken from 50p, food available, dress smart casual. Please let Jane Lewis or Phil Herd know if you would like a ticket.
4. Notice of AGM: The AGM will take place on Wednesday, 20 November following the Short Gravs Handicap at Beeston Marina. A couple of vacancies are coming up on the Committee: Fell Secretary (Dave Bish has indicated an interest in this) and Social Secretary (Jane is happy to speak to anyone interested in this job, and willing to partner anyone wishing to take it on in the first instance). Formal notice to follow.
5. Christmas Party: This will be on Friday, 6 December, Village Hotel Chilwell. We have a special price for the Wham! Tribute of £25 per head. Jane is in Japan until early October so if anyone wishes to pay before her return she will confirm receipt when she is back. Her bank details are: sort code 40-47-87 account 52679035. Please add your name as a reference.
6. Congratulations to everyone who ran at the weekend, plenty at the Great North Run, Longstone, Salford, Abersoch and elsewhere!
7. Welcome to: Nina Vadgama – happy running with Beeston AC!
8. 10K Training Seminar, Thursday, 26 September, 7.30 pm, Poppy and Pint, West Bridgford, NG2 5DX. John Beattie and Peter Fendley will be leading a session, including principles behind different training methods, race and training planning, and Q&A. Cost £5. These sessions are well worth a go.
9. Other upcoming races
* British Fell Relays: (message from Andy Hunter) These are taking place on Saturday 19 October, Peak District Lady Bower Area. Teams of 6 are required for 4 legs: Short, Pair, Nav Pair and Long. Please get in touch with Andy via email if you are interested as I am trying to put in a team. Entries are open and it will soon fill up. So far Holly has shown an interest, we could have a male/ female or a mixed team. NOTE: as this is a national competition, the Club will pay half the entry fee for members taking part in this event.
* Nigel Turner has posted a reminder that the Moorgreen Duathlon is taking place on 13 October – registration is at https://www.lleisure.co.uk/events/duathlon/ . 9 am, Colliers Wood, Newthorpe NG16 2FF. £18 to enter plus £5 day membership of British Triathlon Federation.
10. Notts AAA County Championships: Marathon – if you are planning to run the Leicester Marathon and wish to be entered for the County Championships please contact Mark Rowlson, with details of your eligibility – you are eligible if you have either been born in Nottinghamshire, or by nine months’ continuous bona fide residence in the county immediately prior to the race. See https://www.nottsaaa.org/landingpage/county-champs-2019 for full information.
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.
Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information. See website at http://beestonac.com/ for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac . PBs should be notified to admin@beestonac.com , together with time, distance, date and race. If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request. |
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