News from Beeston AC


This weekend sees the final event in the East Midlands XC league and standings are very close! Hope to see many of you there at West Park, Long Eaton for the race at 11 am. Further details below.


Membership fees are now due (thanks to those of you who have already paid): the preferred method is to pay by bank transfer to account 62266253, sort code 40-10-06. It’s still £20 and once you’ve paid please let Juliet Jones know. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque, payable to Beeston AC, and send to Mrs J Jones, 56 Thoresby Road, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3EN.

1. Club runs 7 to 12 February 2020 inclusive


Friday, 7 February – there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Distance 5-7 miles, usually drinks after in the Crown, from 9.00 pm onwards.


Saturday, 8 February – Beeston parkrun, 9.00 am at the Weirfields, Beeston Rylands NG9 1LZ


Sunday, 9 Febuary – it’s the last race in the East Midlands XC league and so John and co will be at West Park doing the race. If anyone would like to lead a run please get in touch or post on Facebook – as it’s the second Sunday in the month it would be from Chilwell Olympia. Could be a windy day though!


Week 6 of the Couch to 5K course will be taking place at 9.00 am, Chilwell Olympia.


Tuesday, 11 February: As our third and final session with Darren Middleton takes place on Wednesday the 12th, the runs are REARRANGED FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. There will be a training run (distances 5, 7 or 9 miles) from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Please wear hi-viz.


Tuesday, 11 February: Tuesday Rebel Runners, Chilwell, The Village Hotel:  This is usually a 5K run (sometimes with other options); details of the run are posted weekly on the Rebel Runners Facebook page. Meet 6.30 pm in the foyer for 6.40 pm depart. A Couch to 5K course is also under way.

Wednesday, 12 February: – this will be our last session with Darren Middleton, England Athletics coach. Meet 6.15 for 6.30 pm outside Portland Building, University Park NG7 2RD, for a drills and intervals session down on new Boots path. Finished by 7.45 pm. Please wear hi-viz.


2. Upcoming Races on the Calendar


Cross country: 9 February West Park, Long Eaton NG10 4AA (East Mids). This is the final race of the series and will be followed by presentations in the Rugby Club. Let’s get a big turnout!

English National Cross Country Championships, Wollaton Park, 22 February

Road: Sunday 8 March, Weston Run (5 mile race)

The complete 2020 Road League List is also attached to this email for information plus the new 2020 Fell League List. The Club race calendar is at

3. Couch to 5K: Penny and Chris are running a C25K programme from Chilwell Olympia, 9.00 am on Sunday mornings for 8 weeks which started on 5 January (the last session will be the ‘graduation’ at Beeston parkrun on 22 February). Our participants are making good progress and escaped again from Chilwell Olympia to the nature reserve last week.


4. Notts AAA Fell County Championships: Full information is on the website at . Online race entry is now open for Race 1, Wolf’s Pit, Sunday 29 March 2020 at . The second and third races in the series are Chrome Hill 27th June and Longshaw Sheepdog Trials Saturday 5th September.


5. Track and Field County Championships: early notification that for anyone interested these are on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 May at Harvey Hadden Stadium. Details of another event on the new track at Newark in celebration of the 4-minute mile are also attached.


6. Notts AAA 5K County Championships: entries are now open for the Newstead Abbey Dash, Friday 24 July at


7. Welcome to: David Paterson and Andrew Smith – happy running with Beeston AC!


8. Congratulations to: everyone who raced at Colwick Woods on Sunday, it was certainly muddy and very slippery! Well done to everyone racing and running elsewhere too.



Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal:


If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.


Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information.  See website at  for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at . PBs should be notified to , together with time, distance, date and race. If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact with your request.



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