1. Club runs 1 March to 6 March inclusive
Friday, 1 March – there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Distance 5-7 miles, drinks after in the Crown, usually from 9.00 pm onwards. Further information on Facebook. Please wear hi-vis.
Saturday, 2 March – Beeston parkrun, 9.00 am at the Weirfields, Beeston Rylands NG9 1LZ http://www.parkrun.org.uk/beeston/ . It’s pacer Saturday for those wanting to try for a quick time.
Sunday, 3 March – the Sunday run will be from Moorbridge Lane, Stanton Gate, (meeting time at 8.50 am to start at 9.00 am), further details to follow on Facebook. Don’t forget that if you have an idea for a new location/route for the Sunday runners, please come forward; there are always people willing to give it a go! Also don’t forget that Town Street, Bramcote is closed until 29th March.
Tuesday, 5 March Speed: Rob Jackson will be in charge and this is his message: For a change and to try out a promising new area, meet at Cator Lane tram stop at 6.15 for a warm up and st start session at 6.30. NET have conveniently built Cator Lane tram stop exactly 400m away from Bramcote Lane tram stop with a flat, straight, lit pavement in between. Session will be in 3 sets. 4 x single shuttle between (ie 4 x 400), 30 seconds recovery. 2 x double (ie 2 x 800), 1 minute recovery. 4 . single again. 2 min recovery in between sets. Hope that you may enjoy giving this a go and trying out this area which should be less busy than University Boulevard. Please wear something bright. Cheers, Rob
Tuesday, 5 March: Tuesday Rebel Runners, Chilwell, The Village Hotel: This is usually a 5K run (sometimes with other options); details of the run are posted weekly on the Rebel Runners Facebook page. Meet 6.30 pm in the foyer for 6.40 pm depart.
Wednesday, 6 March – there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Distance 5-7-10 miles, drinks after in the Vic. Please wear hi-vis.
2. Upcoming Races on the Calendar
Sunday, 17 March, Wolfs Pit Fell Race full information at https://www.nottsaaa.org/landingpage/fell-running
Wednesday, 24 April: Summer League race 1, Hexgreave, 7.15 pm
Social and Club Events
3. Quiz Night: the last few places are remaining for the Quiz Night at The Berliner, Tuesday, 12th March, 7.30 pm for 8.00 quiz. Please contact Jane Lewis if you want to be included.
4. Message from Maryke Fox and Robin Bacon re Wrekin Relay: Hi All,
A few people mentioned at the Christmas Party that they'd be interested in taking part in the Wrekin Relay in Shropshire on 13th July. We did this a couple of years ago and it was a great laugh! We'll stay in the same place again and get mini-buses into Shrewsbury to visit the tea houses there.
The Wrekin is a hill near Shrewsbury so the plan would be to run the race on Saturday then repair to the Youth Hostel at Bridges near the Long Mynd and go out on the town in Shrewsbury on Saturday night. The following day we'll go for a walk on the Long Mynd, weather permitting. Shrewsbury might not be on many people's radar but it has more than its fair share of fantastic pubs and lovely surroundings.
The race itself is a trail race comprising three laps each of 3.6 miles with 182m ascent (sorry about the mix of units). You can do it as a relay in teams of three or you can do three laps solo.
The link to the race website is here: http://www.wrekinroadrunners.net/wrekin-relay-challenge.html but entries aren't open yet. Some pictures from the 2016 event are here: http://beestonac.com/wrekin
Accommodation will be in dorms or shared rooms at a cost of ~£23pppn, a cooked breakfast is £6. Or you can stay at The Bridges Pub for £30pppn incl breakfast. Once I get numbers I can book the rooms.
Best wishes, Maryke and Robin
5. Open Meeting: There will be an open meeting on Wednesday, 27 March, 8.00 pm at the Victoria Hotel (upstairs room) to discuss anything the membership wishes to raise but particularly upcoming events like the Trent 5 and Broxtowe 5K. This meeting will also include a very short Extraordinary General Meeting to allow for the election of the new Coaching Coordinator.
6. Well done: to everyone who raced at the weekend; we had a great turnout (of flapjacks, not just people!) at the English National Cross Country Championships 😎(henceforth to be known as The Battle of the Flapjacks). George Russell is confirmed as the men’s champion. Congratulations George! 🎖🎉
7. Good luck: to everyone racing and running this coming weekend, whether it be at Belvoir, Rushcliffe or elsewhere.
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.
Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information. See website at http://beestonac.com/ for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac . PBs should be notified to admin@beestonac.com , together with time, distance, date and race. If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request. |
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