Runs and races with Beeston AC


1. Club runs 28 June to 3 July inclusive


Friday, 28 June – there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Distance 5-7 miles, drinks after in the Crown, usually from 9.00 pm onwards. Further information on Facebook.


Saturday, 29 June – Beeston parkrun, 9.00 am at the Weirfields, Beeston Rylands NG9 1LZ .


Sunday, 30 June – the Sunday run will be from Moorbridge Lane, Stanton Gate, (meeting time 8.50 am to start at 9.00 am), further details to follow on Facebook.


Tuesday, 2 July speed:  This will be a track session at Bramcote with Dave (parking on Moor Lane NG9 3GA or Leisure Centre car park).  Meet 6.15 for warm up, session starts 6.30 pm. Further details to follow on Facebook.


Tuesday, 2 July:  Tuesday Rebel Runners, Chilwell, The Village Hotel:  This is usually a 5K run (sometimes with other options); details of the run are posted weekly on the Rebel Runners Facebook page. Meet 6.30 pm in the foyer for 6.40 pm depart.


Wednesday, 3 July –  there will be a training run from Chilwell Olympia; meet in the foyer at 6.25 for a 6.30 pm depart. Drinks afterwards in the Vic.


2. Upcoming Races on the Calendar

Fell: Chrome Hill

Sat 29th June @ 2:00 pm3:00 pm

Road: Summer League race 4 – Worksop College

Wed 10th July @ 7:00 pm8:00 pm

Fell: Black Rocks

Wed 10th July @ 7:30 pm8:30 pm

Fell: Crich Monument

Sat 13th July @ 1:30 pm2:30 pm

Road: Hardwick 10K

Thu 18th July @ 7:30 pm8:30 pm

3. Other upcoming races


The Crich Monument race is on Saturday 13 July and is sold out. I have a place to transfer by 3 July; please get in touch if you are interested.


Road race league information is located on the Club website at: . The fell race calendar is available at


5. Welcome: to Louise West; happy running with Beeston AC! Also to Gaby Neher, changing from second claim to first claim with Beeston – hurrah!


6. Well done: to everyone who raced at the weekend, particularly the Notts 10 and Nomad Ultra Runners, excellent results, Riber Run, and also to the Tromso Midnight Sun runners (though rain was more the order of the day). In addition, the final results from the Double Gravs handicap are attached for information.


7. Sad News: there is sad news this week of the passing of Neil Kelso, the owner of the Victoria Hotel, a meeting place of the club for many years. Our condolences to his family.


8. Overseas vestsmessage from Simon Elliott:

As requested by a number of members, the Committee has commissioned a version of the Beeston AC vest to run in abroad .. I’m now taking orders for delivery before autumn trips. Sizing is as the current vests and t-shirts, details on club website. Vests £20, t-shirts £22. If you’d like one, please reply to the Facebook post or message/email Simon on by 1st July please. Please note this vest is for overseas/social events only and the current vest without flag is for Summer League, national championships etc.


Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. A number of members are also tackling the Holme Pierrepont Grand Prix which finishes next week – enjoy!

Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal:


If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.


Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information.  See website at  for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at . PBs should be notified to , together with time, distance, date and race.

If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact with your request.

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