Beeston AC Runs


Hi all – please find information about next week’s club runs – and the Beeston 5! – below.


Update about the Beeston 5 from Chief Marshal, Sophie Eadsforth:


Everyone has until Sunday night to enter, PLEASE DO SO. If we all encourage one friend, neighbour or work colleague to enter then we will increase the numbers nicely so there, I have set you all a challenge!


Thanks to all who have agreed to marshal for the race. As we still need more people to enter please let me know if you would rather enter, it is not likely to be a problem.


My updated list is as follows- James and Jackie, Dave Smith, Steve Mason, Gemma Smart, Jack Bibby, Karen Mitchell, Mike Davey, Charlie Pearce, Steve Brown, Teresa Godfrey, Karen Barnfield, Liz Rawding, Gary Fox, John O’Donnell, Clint, Charlotte Watts, Mick Lord, Nigel Turner (with Pet Shop boys), Sunil Sharma, Kim Butler, Matt Jones, Dan Rawson, Mihail, Genie, Alix Blockley and James Pinchin, Jen Beverley, Chris Robson, Jon Pitts, Bob Frake, Nigel Wright, Nigel Adcock, Phil Herd, Andy Hunter, Louise West, Gaby, Simon Barnes and Richard Upward, Penny and Paul Page, Louise and Anthony, Tim Hills.


The plan is for us all to meet at 6pm on the night for the Marshal briefing by the start/finish which is by the main car park in front of Wollaton Hall at the bottom of the hill. I will need Penny and Paul, Louise and Anthony and Tim to arrive at 5.30pm as I have put you all down for giving out numbers and then later being at the finish funnel. If this is a problem for anyone then please get in touch with me via or tel 07828 552977.


Race Day Instructions from the Race Director, Mark Rowlson – to be emailed out to all entrants before the day


Car park payment by RingGo app only
No parking on residential streets
Bring your own safety pins
Bring your own water
At number collection please respect 2 metre signs
Socially distanced start, please don’t group together or mix
Chip timed finish
Please take all rubbish home and don't use the bins at the park
Finish is by the car park
Please leave area once finished and don’t congregate

Awards prizes posted out after the race
There is no baggage drop
Please warm up away from the start
Please warm down away from the finish
Regarding our marshals, the main thing is to collect all plastic tape / rubbish afterwards and not use the bins on the park as the deer can get to them.
I can take rubbish into work as I have a trade contract with Nottingham City Council for refuge.
Regarding our volunteers at number collection, I will bring masks, wipes, hand gel and latex gloves. Volunteers are welcome to bring their own.

All events at Wollaton Park have colour incident codes which we must use in case of emergency.
“Code Pink” for instance means FIRE
“Code Blue” is a medical emergency
“Code Green” is a lost child.
There are 8 colours in total. I've printed 40 copies off for Sophie to hand out to marshals.


Club runs


Friday, 18 June:  6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia. The route will be the reverse bus stop route around Attenborough, just under 6 miles. Toilets are available but changing rooms are still not accessible.


Saturday, 19 June: BAC return to racing: This week’s 5K run will be the University of Nottingham route, meeting at the Jesse Boot Statue, Uni Boulevard at 9.30 am. If anyone is interested in joining please respond to the Facebook post or ask someone to do so on your behalf.


Sunday, 20 June: Please meet at 8.50 am for a 9.00 am start from Stanton Gate, Moorbridge Lane. John will have hand gel available at the start and end of the run for everyone’s use in view of the numerous stiles etc on route.


Tuesday, 22 June: Speed session – details will be posted on Facebook. Sessions start at 6.30 pm and please arrive early to warm up if appropriate. Most of these sessions are at the Bramcote Track, parking on Moor Lane NG9 3FH.


Wednesday, 16 June: Please note that in view of the Beeston (Not the Trent) 5 taking place in Wollaton Park on this date at 7.00 pm there will be NO CLUB RUNS.

Gaby Neher is also leading trail runs every Thursday, 6.30 pm, from Bramcote Track.


The guidance from England Athletics (updated 15 June 2021 to include advice on spectators, indoor training and travel) has been published.


Step 3 from 17th May:


• Athletics & running can take place for educational purposes (schools, childcare clubs,

colleges, and universities).

• Outdoor & Indoor sport facilities can open.

• Formal organised outdoor athletics & running activity that is Covid-secure can take place for both children and adults.

• Formal indoor athletics & running activity that is Covid-Secure can take place for both children and adults.

• Outdoor unorganised activity (non-coached) can take place in groups of 30 or less.

• Indoor unorganised activity (non-coached) can take place in groups of 6 or less.

• Disabled people can take part in organised outdoor and indoor sport without being

subject to social contact limits.

• Outdoor competition can take place (with a license).

• Outdoor intra club competition (without a license).

• Outdoor spectators; multiple groups of 30 or less (per venue capacity)

• Indoor spectators; multiple groups of 6 or less (per venue capacity)

• Accommodation/hotels are open allowing for two-day events and larger scale events are allowed with spectators.

• Travel; Plan ahead and travel safely where possible, for areas where the variant is

spreading more quickly the advice is to minimise travel into and out of the affected areas.

Please check the UK Government website for affected areas.



For information:


Advertised Dates for Races – full list on Facebook


Mark Rowlson, our Road League Secretary, has produced the Road League for 2021 and a copy is attached for information. You can also see this at .


Recent advertisements for races include:


Friday, 25 June, 7.00 pm, Tim Wealthall Miles, Harvey Hadden Stadium, Wigman Road

Friday, 2 July 2021 MOVED TO TUES 3 AUGUST, 7.00 pm, Notts 10, Holme Pierrepont

Thursday, 5 August, 5.00 pm, Holme Pierrepont 10K, £8 affiliated, no entries on day

Sunday, 10 October, 9.00 am onwards, Nottingham Holme Run, Half, 10K and 5K

Sunday, 10 October, 10.00 am: Goosefair Gallop, NG16 2RP


parkrun: Beeston is now on the list (hurray!) but the re-start is delayed until 24 July (fingers crossed!).



Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal:


If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.

Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information. 


See website at  for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at . If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact with your request.



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