Membership fees are now due (please ignore this reminder if you have already paid): the preferred method is to pay by bank transfer to account 62266253, sort code 40-10-06. It’s still £20 and once you’ve paid please let Juliet Jones know. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque, payable to Beeston AC, and send to Mrs J Jones, 56 Thoresby Road, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3EN. England Athletics fees are due by 31 March and EA membership will be renewed for 2020/21 for everyone who has paid. |
1. Club runs
It is with great regret that, following advice from England Athletics, all Club events are cancelled until at least the end of April with immediate effect. If you wish to make informal arrangements to meet up for runs or socially for drinks etc, please can these be outside the Club Facebook page to satisfy our compliance with the EA guidance. Keep safe everyone! |
2. Upcoming Races on the Calendar
So far the following races on the Club calendar are CANCELLED:
Fell: Sunday, 29th March, Wolf’s Pit Road: Sunday 5th April, Belvoir Half Marathon, www.hosevillage.org.uk/bhm.htm now 19 September. Road: Wednesday, 22 April Summer League race 1 – Hexgreave, www.nottsaaa.org
Other cancellations include the Ed Prickett Relays on Saturday 21 March, Longhorn and Derby 10K with spring marathons mainly being postponed to the autumn. The Peak Rail 7 is also cancelled – new date 5 April 2021 (entries open 6 December 18.00). The Road League will now be the best 8 races from 15 but this may change. The Club race calendar is at http://beestonac.com/events/category/events |
3. Good news: many congratulations to our Treasurer Juliet and husband Luke Jones on the birth of Rosa Evelyn on 12 March – what a cutie!
4. Welcome to: Joseph Baxter, happy running with Beeston AC Joe! Great to have you with us in Malta!
5. Ashby 20 Hoodies: Gabriele Neher has kindly offered to collect these for those members who were due to run the Ashby 20 last Sunday. Once we know the details please let Gaby know if you would like her to collect a hoodie for you.
Other races (assuming these can go ahead):
7. The Frothy Five: Sunday, 21 June, 12.30 pm starting at The Star, £21 for the Stein or £12 for the Schooner. Please let Paul Page, Penny Page or Jane Lewis know if you would like to enter or enter via the Facebook post. 8. Worksop Half Marathon, Sunday 25th October are now open at https://www.worksophalfmarathon.co.uk/. This is on the Club calendar and incorporates the Notts AAA County Championships.
9. Entries are open for the Holme Pierrepont Grand Prix at https://hprcrun.co.uk/gp/: 4 miles 23 June, 5K* 25 June, 5 miles 30 June and 10K* 2 July (* certified).
10. Entries also open for the Newstead Abbey Dash, Friday 24th July at https://www.redhillroadrunners.com/our-races together with news that the Gedling Country Park 10K will be returning on Bank Holiday Monday 31 August 2020. |
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.
Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information. See website at http://beestonac.com/ for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac . PBs should be notified to admin@beestonac.com , together with time, distance, date and race. If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request. |
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