Hi all – please find information about next week’s club runs below.
Welcome to new member Rich Armitage: happy running with Beeston AC!
A big thank you to: Dave Beighton and others for running the ‘not parkrun’ return to racing 5K runs on Saturday mornings in the absence of parkruns – many thanks Dave and crew!
Club runs
Friday, 23 July: 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia. The route will be the figure of 8 route round Attenborough, around 5.5 miles. Toilets and changing rooms are now available.
Saturday, 24 July: It’s back! See some of you at Beeston parkrun, 9.00 am at the Weirfields, Beeston Rylands NG9 1LZ http://www.parkrun.org.uk/beeston/. DFYB (if you can find it!). Other parkruns exist (of course!). Sunday, 25 July: Please meet at 8.50 am for a 9.00 am start from Stanton Gate, Moorbridge Lane. Chris Robson is in charge again – thanks again Chris!
Tuesday, 27 July: Speed session – details will be posted on Facebook. Sessions start at 6.30 pm and please arrive early to warm up if appropriate. Most of these sessions are at the Bramcote Track, parking on Moor Lane NG9 3FH. Many thanks to Lucy for stepping in this week!
Wednesday, 28 July: please arrive at 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia Penny and Chris have a group of Improvers doing a 5K loop setting off at the same time and we would welcome new runners along – no one will get left behind. Gaby Neher is also leading trail runs most Thursdays, 6.30 pm, with this week’s run being in the Toton Sidings area from the Tram Terminus. Details will be put on Facebook. |
The guidance from England Athletics on club runs and races (updated 15 July 2021) has been published, copied and pasted below.
As of Monday 19 July, most restrictions in England relating to COVID-19 will be eased. This of course is very positive for the return of athletics and running across the country.
The Key facts · There are no legal restrictions around numbers gathering across both indoor and outdoor settings. This means all venues and events can take place with no limit on participant and spectator numbers. Notwithstanding the normal risk assessments and event management practice must be adhered to. · There is no legal requirement for clubs, facilities, coaches or competition providers to collect data for test and trace or to display a QR code. · Currently there are no legal requirements around COVID-19 tests or NHS passports pre- or post-participation. · There are no restrictions on social distancing or requirement for test and trace to be carried out. · UK Government guidance should be followed for international travel. Exemptions to some of the restrictions do exist for those athletes classified as ‘elite’ and these are detailed in the UK Government elite sport guidance · There are no restrictions on car sharing, minibus or coach travel. · Participants and volunteers can now travel across England and stay overnight to participate and volunteer within the sport. There are no restrictions on volunteers sharing rooms with people from outside their family. · There is an emphasis on personal responsibility for reducing risk. Clubs and competition providers should give clear guidance that individuals should not turn up to an athletics or running environment (club, coached or competition) if displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
Clubs and competition providers should make participants aware of: · Clear guidance to prospective participants on COVID-19 symptoms · Any safety measures they put in place to reduce risk · Reducing any potential transmission to staff · Ways to mitigate risk to vulnerable groups
Clubs and competition providers may (but this is NOT mandatory) ask participants to: · Sign in using a QR code and keep test and trace data · Take a COVID-19 test before participation · Wear a mask
This is fantastic news for the sport but the pandemic is far from over and is it important that we encourage the continued implementation of some of the safeguarding measures that as a society we have put into place over the last 18 months.
UK Government statistics suggest people are nervous about returning to normality. Only 40% of people feel comfortable going to indoor gyms, leisure centres or swimming pools. There is a nervousness of some individuals around the return to sport. All individuals, clubs and competition providers should be aware of this and communicate effectively with all prospective participants to make them feel as comfortable as possible to take part in athletics and running activities.
Washing hands, using masks in certain situations (indoors) and maintaining social distance between one another have been proven to reduce the likelihood of spreading COVID-19. Therefore, it is important that all clubs, coaches, volunteers, and competition providers continue to carry out local risk assessments around the environment and participants to make sure they continue to provide the safest possible environment for everybody to participate and support the sport that we love.
It is also important to recognise that some measures that have been highlighted by England Athletics throughout the COVID-19 guidance issued since April 2020 should feature as standard in club risk assessments and health and safety processes i.e. maintaining safe and effective ratios of runners or athletes to leaders and coaches, and ensuring all participants are registered for training sessions with emergency contacts details available and health / fitness concerns identified.
For information:
Advertised Dates for Races – full list on Facebook (pinned list)
Mark Rowlson, our Road League Secretary, has produced the Road League for 2021 and you can see this at http://beestonac.com/road-races .
North Midlands Cross Country League Dates for Diaries:
Saturday, 16 October – Markeaton Park, Derby Saturday, 13 November – Wicksteed Park, Kettering Saturday, 4 December – Shipley Country Park, Heanor Saturday, 15 January – Wollaton Park, Nottingham
13.50: Senior/Vet women (approximately 6K) 14.20: Senior/Vet men (approximately 10K)
Trophies awarded to the lowest-scoring runner of all four races combined, from V35 to V65+ and VM40 to VM70+ in five-year bands. These races, along with the East Midlands XC League, are free to enter for fully paid up members.
Holme Pierrepont RC are also advertising a 10K race on Thursday, 5 August at Holme Pierrepont Water Sports Centre, 5.00 pm start – enter via sientries.co.uk . £8.
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter. Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information.
See website at http://beestonac.com/ for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac . If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request. |
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