Hello everyone – details of news and runs below.
Welcome to new members Amy Cooper and Karen Shaw: happy running with BAC!
Memberships: memberships were renewed for all paid up members this week and you should have received an email from England Athletics confirming this, together with a link for your registration park containing your member card which you can download digitally. This will be important as it may be a requirement for anyone wishing to do the Summer League race at Chilwell Depot on 10th May to show this on entry to the Barracks.
Please check your junk folder if you cannot see the email in your in-box. If you believe you should have received an email and have not, please contact me and I will check your registration.
Trent 5, 24 May: Entry is now open for our own race on Runbritain. Tell all your friends! Please note Attenborough Nature Reserve Path Closure: For those of us who regularly run around Attenborough Nature Reserve, one of the paths has been closed, probably for some time, due to a structural weakness of a bridge (Works Bridge) on the route. The path goes past the Works Pond on the map (see attached photo).
Extended Discount for Club Members: Up and Running in Nottingham have been in touch with the following message:
In addition to the usual 10% that we offer on full price products, we are offering a further 10% on sale items both online and instore. Simply using this code to claim the extra discount on any sale item: CLUBSALE10. This offer code is valid up to 23rd April.
As you are probably aware, we offer free in-store gait analysis 7 days a week – no need for an appointment, and with no obligation. We stock a wide range of road, trail, and racing shoes, as well as spikes and all manner of specialist running equipment.
Please see our website for details on what we have to offer https://upandrunning.co.uk/ |
Club Runs
Thursday, 6 April: Gaby Neher leads trail runs on Thursdays, 6.20 for 6.30 pm, and the current meeting point is at the White Lion, Town Street, Bramcote. Trail shoes are advisable.
Friday, 7 April: 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia. Toilets and changing rooms are open. It's the reverse parkrun route via The Strand this week.
Saturday, 8 April: Beeston parkrun will be on at 9.00 am at the Weirfields, Beeston Rylands NG9 1LZ http://www.parkrun.org.uk/beeston/. Details of other local parkruns including Wollaton Hall are also available on the web link.
For those doing the parkrun challenge it’s a visit to Long Eaton next week!
Sunday, 9 April: It’s Easter Sunday so how about the traditional trip to Locko Park?! Please meet at 8.50 am for a 9.00 am start from Stanton Gate, Moorbridge Lane. It will be a steady pace, no one will be left behind.
Tuesday, 11 April, 6.30 pm speed session: It’s back to the track off Moor Lane, Bramcote, NG9 3FH. Full details of each session will be posted on Facebook in advance. Please arrive early to warm up if appropriate. Parking is available on Moor Lane.
Wednesday, 12 April: Please arrive at 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia. Neil will post the routes on Facebook as usual.
Advertised Dates for Races – full list on Facebook (pinned list)
The Road League list is available at: https://beestonac.com/road-races
The Fell League list is available at: https://beestonac.com/fell-races Please note that the Bamford Sheepdog Trial race on 29 May, 1.00 pm, now has pre-entry – https://bamfordsheepdogtrials.com/fell-race/ – with limited entries available on the day. Remaining County Championship Races for 2023 (see https://www.nottsaaa.org/)
Newstead Abbey Dash 5K – Friday 28 July entries open Newark Half Marathon – Sunday 13th August, entries now open Holme Pierrepont 10K – 29th June, 7.15 pm. Entries now open (part of GP series) at https://www.hprcrun.co.uk/gp
Summer League 2023 races are as follows (just turn up in Club vest, no fee):
Race 1 – Hexgreave Park, 26th April Race 2 – Chilwell Barracks, 10th May (to be confirmed – there will be ID requirements) Race 3 – Wollaton Park, 14th June Race 4 – Worksop College, 12th July Race 5 – National Water Sports Centre, 2nd August followed by presentation.
Notts AAA Track and Field Championships, 13th and 14th May – entries now open at https://www.nottsaaa.org/landingpage/tf-county-champs-2023. The venue will be Harvey Hadden Stadium. We have also been invited to participate in HPRC’s schedule of events at the Bingham track – Tuesday, 20th June – the Night of the Mile PBs, Wednesday, 18th July HPRC Track Open and Tuesday, 8th August – Bingham 5000m.
Entries are now open for the Holme Pierrepont Grand Prix series at https://www.hprcrun.co.uk/gp. The Grand Prix races are on Tuesday 27th June (4 miles at Rushcliffe), Thursday 29th June (10K at Holme Pierrepont, also the County Championships 10K), Tuesday 4th July (5K at Victoria Embankment) and Thursday 6th July (5 miles at University Park, Nottingham).
The organisers of the Dovedale Dash (Sunday, 1st October, 11.00 am) are switching to online entry: see http://www.dovedaledash.co.uk/ for full details, cost £10, 500 entries at £12 available on the day.
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
See website at http://beestonac.com/ for more information about the club. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac . Facebook page here. If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request.
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