Hi all – hoping this newsletter finds you all in good health.
Welcome to 3 new members: Matt Lecoeuche, Beth Davey and Anthony (Ant) Davey. Happy running with Beeston AC!
Club face masks: Simon Elliott has advised that a second order of face masks at £6 each is being made (see attached photo of our glamorous model Paul demonstrating it is possible to wear a mask and still drink beer 😎). If you are interested please email Simon or post on the Facebook article and let him know how many and what colour (white with blue writing also available) – bank details 09-01-28 92146432 with your name as reference). |
Club Run –Wednesday, 19 August, 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia
Penny and Chris will also have a group of Improvers doing a 5K loop setting off at the same time and we would welcome new runners along – no one will get left behind (hoping to be there next week😬 ).
Please note that we need to comply with guidance from England Athletics at present. In lieu of requiring members to complete a pre-activity health questionnaire before joining Club runs, our policy is that by attending sessions you are confirming that you have not got any Covid symptoms to the best of your knowledge. Sorry to keep repeating this but it is important for the next few weeks.
By choosing to attend for club training sessions, you are undertaking to comply with the following:
1. Only attend club running/training sessions on the basis that you believe you have not experienced any Covid-19 symptoms in the last 14 days (eg new cough, new shortness of breath, new sore throat, loss of taste or smell, temperature at or above 37.8°C) or had close contact with someone who is or was sick with suspected or confirmed Covid-19, nor have a household member who has been isolating.
2. Only attend training sessions on the basis that you are in good health and willing to comply with COVID-19 health and safety requirements concerning social distancing and hygiene before, during or after activity.
3. Attend to join a club run 5 minutes before the run is due to start so that an accurate register can be taken, and arrangements made to split members into groups (eg by planned speed, distance or route). Please note runners should NOT join runs part way through as the Covid-19 Coordinator will not have their name on the run register.
4. Arrive ready for training, ie in kit with recently washed/sanitised hands, as facilities at Chilwell Olympia (changing rooms, toilets and showers) will remain unavailable for the foreseeable future.
5. Convene at a safe distance from Chilwell Olympia Leisure Centre so that access to the building is unimpeded for Centre users.
6. Undertake not to share your water bottle or refreshment container with another runner, but to bring your own container for personal use if required. Runners are asked to avoid spitting or rinsing out their mouths near the meeting point.
7. Undertake not to stay at the meeting point after the run but return home.
8. If you become unwell subsequently and are diagnosed with Covid-19, undertake to inform the Club as soon as your illness is confirmed so that anyone who ran with you may be informed for tracking and testing purposes.
We are not taking a physical register but will capture attendees in their groups by photo – to be held for a short period before deletion.
Anyone not registered with the Club (and England Athletics) will be required to complete a form. |
Membership: a small number of regular members did not re-join at the start of the membership year and you are now encouraged to renew. Please pay by bank transfer to account 62266253, sort code 40-10-06. It’s still £20 and once you’ve paid please let Juliet Jones know. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque, payable to Beeston AC, and send to Mrs J Jones, 56 Thoresby Road, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3EN.
For anyone wishing to join the Club please download the flyer at https://beestonac.com/membership, complete and send on as per the instructions on the form.
News about races on the calendar
The Club Road Race calendar is at https://beestonac.com/events/category/events/road-running At this stage the only race remaining appears to be the Derby 10 on Sunday, 15 November 10.00 am (entry still available on RunBritain). Confirmation that the Belvoir Half Marathon has now been cancelled has recently been posted.
The Notts AAA fell race championship: unfortunately Longshaw on Saturday 5 September has now been cancelled. Dicky Wilkinson will look for a replacement race in the autumn if racing is permitted.
The only remaining road race on the Notts AAA County Championship road list is the Marathon scheduled for 5 December at Holme Pierrepont, again only if this is allowed to go ahead. The 5K, 10K, 10 mile are all confirmed as cancelled along with the Worksop half marathon. The date for Worksop has been confirmed as Sunday 31 October 2021.
Good luck to the lucky few who managed to get a place in the Belper Rover 30K this Sunday!
For those who like track running, Charnwood AC have an open meeting on Sunday, 30 August – booking for places opens 9.00 am tomorrow, 15 August. Provisional timetable at https://www.charnwoodac.co.uk/open-meetings .
Useful Information
Stanton Gate Closure 3 – 21 August for motor vehicles
For anyone wishing to run from Stanton Gate, please note that the road at Stanton Gate, Sandiacre – Moorbridge Lane will be closed from Monday, 3 to Friday 21 August 2020 for gas main replacement works. The alternative route is via Ilkeston Road – Lenton Street – Town Street – B5010 Stanton Road/Derby Road – B6003 Church Street / Pasture Road – Moorbridge Lane and vice versa. Please note it is possible to get through by foot/bike.
Attenborough Nature Reserve – bridge repair
Please note the main path (from the old car park accessible from The Strand next to the cricket pitch) is closed whilst the bridge is being repaired. It is likely to re-open on 28 August. |
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.
Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information. See website at http://beestonac.com/ for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac . PBs should be notified to admin@beestonac.com , together with time, distance, date and race. If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request. |
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