Hi all – please find information about next week’s club runs below.
Welcome to: Lynsey Lawrence who has joined the Club – happy running with Beeston AC!
Summer League: disappointing news has just been received that the Summer League races are cancelled until 2022.
London Marathon Places 2021: There has been a recent update from VM London Marathon confirming that Club places for the 2020 marathon were deferred to either 2021 or 2022; this means that Beeston AC will have no places for 2021 but will be allocated the quota to which we are entitled for 2022. Well done: to everyone who took part in the Prestwold 5K races last weekend – some great times!
Club runs
Friday, 7 May: 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia. It’s a visit to Attenborough Nature Reserve Centre via the church, approximately 6.7 miles.
Saturday, 8 May: BAC return to racing: This week’s 5K run will be the out and back route along the canal to the Boots chain link bridge. Please meet at the Boots tip bridge at 9.30 am. If anyone is interested in joining please respond to the Facebook post or ask someone to do so on your behalf.
Sunday, 9 May: Please meet at 8.50 am for a 9.00 am start. It’s the second Sunday in the month so we’re off on a new route! Steve Mason is in charge this week and the route will start from the Queens Head, Watnall NG16 1HT. If the layby is busy there is an estate opposite with road parking. John will have hand gel available at the start and end of the run for everyone’s use in view of the numerous stiles etc on route.
Tuesday, 11 May: Speed session – details will be posted on Facebook. Sessions start at 6.30 pm and please arrive early to warm up if appropriate. Dave Cross is organising the session (hills and relay race!) which will be in Wollaton Park. Please meet at the end of the road to the University Sports Centre (NG7 2RD) at 6.15 for a warm-up run to the Park, or in the bottom car park near the play area at Wollaton Park for 6.30 pm.
Wednesday, 12 May: please arrive at 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia Penny and Chris have a group of Improvers doing a 5K loop setting off at the same time and we would welcome new runners along – no one will get left behind. These are the conditions for participating in club runs:
In lieu of requiring members to complete a pre-activity health questionnaire before joining Club runs, our policy is that by attending sessions you are confirming that you have not got any Covid symptoms to the best of your knowledge.
By choosing to attend for club training sessions, you are undertaking to comply with the following: * Only attend club running/training sessions on the basis that you believe you have not experienced any Covid-19 symptoms and are willing to comply with COVID-19 health and safety requirements concerning social distancing and hygiene before, during or after activity * Attend to join a club run 5 minutes before the run is due to start ready to run (no changing facilities etc. currently available) so that a photo may be taken of everyone taking part. We will convene at a safe distance from the Leisure Centre * If you become unwell subsequently and are diagnosed with Covid-19, undertake to inform the Club as soon as your illness is confirmed so that anyone who ran with you may be informed for tracking and testing purposes.
Anyone not registered with the Club (and England Athletics) will be required to complete a form (Neil has copies and Chris also has copies for the Improvers).
The guidance from England Athletics (last update 26 March 2021) has been published:
“We have outlined in the ‘athletics and running roadmap’ infographic what this means at each stage. Please note, all these dates are subject to the UK Government’s four-step roadmap to ease restrictions across England and the conditions which must be met before the country is able to move from one step to the next. We are working with our partners, facility operators, competition providers, competition licensing bodies and event providers to aid the return to the activity safely and progressively.”
Step 1 from 29th March now states:
• Outdoor sport facilities can open. • Formal organised outdoor athletics & running activity that is Covid-secure can take place for both children and adults (no covid group size limits). • Outdoor unorganised activity (non-coached) can take place in groups of 6. • Outdoor intra club competition can take place (without a licence). • Outdoor competition can take place (with a licence) • No indoor training for children and adults. • Disabled people can take part in organised outdoor and indoor sport without being subject to social contact limits. • Spectating not allowed. • Parent/carer supervision permitted (one per athlete/runner). • Travel permitted (training and competition)
For information: Advertised Dates for Races
Race Cancellations/Postponements
Notifications of race cancellations/postponements have been posted:
Smalley 5 Bells (originally 3 July) – deferred to 2022 Derby Half Marathon and 5 mile (originally 13 June) – postponed to late 2021 Newark Half Marathon – now postponed to 7 August 2022 Fell County Championships: Longshaw Sheep Dog Trials, 4 September, 10.30 am. The Championships will be a single race; if the British Fell Running Intercounties Championships is rescheduled and held in the autumn, the results from Longshaw will act as the selection race for the Notts team at the Intercounties. If Longshaw is cancelled, it is unlikely there will be a replacement race for the Championships. Dicky Wilkinson, the organiser, reminds everyone of the need to carry specific kit – details to follow nearer the event.
Notts AC is advertising the following races (application forms awaited): Friday, 25 Jun – Tim Wealthall Miles – great fun last year! Friday, 2 July – Notts 10 mile
Other races (some road, some multi-terrain – see the list on Facebook for more):
Sunday, 5 September – Wilne 10K – entries now open, £16 at present Sunday, 26 September – Robin Hood Half Marathon Sunday, 3 October – Dovedale Dash Sunday, 14 November – Derby 10 mile Sunday, 21 November – the Heanor Pudding Run
Cross Country Dates:
Sat 23 Oct 2021 – Midland Counties Relays, TBC Sat 30 Oct 2021 – British Masters Relays, West Park Sat 6 Nov 2021 – English National Relays, Mansfield Sat 20 Nov 2021 – Midland Counties 7 & 5 Mile Championships, TBC Sat 8 Jan 2022 – Nottinghamshire County Championships, TBC Sat 29 Jan 2022 – Midland Counties Championships, TBC Sat 26 Feb 2022 – English National Championships, Parliament Hill, London
Charnwood AC Opens are as follows: Wed 19th May, Wed 16th June, Wed 14th July, Sun 1st August, Wed 11th August, Sat 28th August, Wed 8th September.
The Track County Championships are hopefully taking place 11/12 September.
Some junior parkruns re-started 11 April, and 5K events will hopefully return in England on 5 June according to recent announcements – arrangements currently being undertaken.
Websites for virtual races:
Virtual Runner, website at www.virtualrunneruk.com has lots of different races and challenges available over a variety of distances.
Nice Work – see https://www.nice-work.org.uk/virtual/home .
Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal: https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/portal/members/Login/
If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter. Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information.
See website at http://beestonac.com/ for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/beestonac . If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact christinembexton@gmail.com with your request. |
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