Beeston AC News including important update on AGM and Leagues


Hi all – hoping this newsletter finds you and family well.


This newsletter contains an update from the Club Committee’s Chairman Simon Elliott, please see below for news on the AGM, Road League and other championships.


Important update following recent Committee meeting!


For only the second time this year, the committee of Beeston AC managed to meet in person with a socially distanced gathering in the Chairman’s garden! A number of important issues were discussed and this is a summary of the important points.


As you will have already seen from the weekly e-mail, following the successful introduction of the Wednesday training session, the club is reintroducing the remaining training starting with Sunday 30th August. England Athletics risk assessments have been done for all sessions and participants are asked to read and implement the guidance that will be given regarding social distancing etc. Details of sessions will be issued via the weekly e-mail and Facebook each week.


Road Race League – as it looks highly likely that the only race on the calendar to take place was the Weston 5 mile back in March the committee felt that the only option was to void this year’s Championship. Our sincere commiserations go to Harry Taylor and Sophie Eadsforth who were first home at that race.


Fell Race Championship – Unfortunately no races have taken place so this will also be void for 2020.


Cross-country 2020/1 [from Charlie] – Members may have noticed the recent announcement from England Athletics regarding a possible return to cross country competition. While all plans are provisional and liable to change if required, it does mean that the North Midlands League race at Markeaton Park on 10 October will be cancelled. With the Midlands Relays and British Masters Relays already cancelled, this means that the first race is currently set to be the English National Relays at Berry Hill Park, Mansfield, on Saturday 31 October. More details on entries will follow once this is confirmed.


The Beeston AC Cross Country League 2020/21 will clearly be affected by these and any future changes, so, for the avoidance of doubt, the league will consist of all races that do take place in the North Midlands and East Midlands Leagues, plus the county, regional and national championships. Runners' best scores from the smallest number of races that is more than half the total run will count, i.e. best 6 from 11, best 6 from 10, best 5 from 9 and so on. To preserve the integrity of the competition, if fewer than four races take place then the league will be considered void.


Clearly these are unusual times, and changes not just to scheduling but the nature of races themselves are to be expected, so please look out for further announcements in the weekly newsletter and on Facebook. Hopefully we will still get to enjoy a cross country season, whatever shape it may take, and repeat some of the successes of last season!


Club Handicap races – Another void for this year I’m afraid, largely due to our inability to accurately handicap runners with the lack of races / parkruns to judge peoples’ form.


Christmas Party – Phil Herd is desperately trying to put on at least one proper social event in 2020 and is booking the Shed for a do on December 12th or 18th. Hopefully the regulations will allow this to go ahead.


AGM – Clearly as things stand we are unable to hold an AGM in its usual format. As a result we propose holding a ‘Zoom’ AGM, provisionally at 8.30pm on Wednesday November 11th. All committee positions are due for re-election, Juliet Jones has indicated she would like to stand down so we will be looking for a new Treasurer. The remaining members are willing to serve another term if the membership will have them!


Any questions or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact Simon ( or any handy committee member!


Sunday, 6 September: Please meet at 8.50 am for 9.00 am start from Stanton Gate, Moorbridge Lane. John will have hand gel available at the start and end of runs for everyone’s use in view of the numerous stiles etc which will be on route.


The return of the Speed Session Tuesday, 8 September: meet 6.15 pm for a warm up at Bramcote Track, Moor Lane NG9 3GA (parking on Moor Lane is best). Dave Cross has kindly agreed to take charge this week (thanks Dave!). Session to start 6.30 pm. If you would like to come up with a speed/hills session for us please let me know.


Wednesday, 9 September, 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia


Penny and Chris have a group of Improvers doing a 5K loop setting off at the same time and we would welcome new runners along – no one will get left behind. We had another great turn out last night in spite of the rain!


Friday 11 September, 6.25 for 6.30 pm depart, Chilwell Olympia


Terms and conditions for attending Club Runs


Please note that we need to comply with guidance from England Athletics at present. In lieu of requiring members to complete a pre-activity health questionnaire before joining Club runs, our policy is that by attending sessions you are confirming that you have not got any Covid symptoms to the best of your knowledge. Sorry to keep repeating this but it is important for the next few weeks.


By choosing to attend for club training sessions, you are undertaking to comply with the following:


* Only attend club running/training sessions on the basis that you believe you have not experienced any Covid-19 symptoms and willing to comply with COVID-19 health and safety requirements concerning social distancing and hygiene before, during or after activity

* Attend to join a club run 5 minutes before the run is due to start ready to run (no changing facilities etc currently available) so that a photo may be taken of everyone taking part. We will convene at a safe distance from the Leisure Centre

* If you become unwell subsequently and are diagnosed with Covid-19, undertake to inform the Club as soon as your illness is confirmed so that anyone who ran with you may be informed for tracking and testing purposes.


Anyone not registered with the Club (and England Athletics) will be required to complete a form (Neil has copies of this and Chris has copies for the Improvers).



News about races on the calendar


The Club Road Race calendar is at  At this stage the only race remaining appears to be the Derby 10 on Sunday, 15 November 10.00 am on Confirmation is awaited that it will be going ahead.


For anyone interested, there are a few races available – a few Beestonites have signed up for races at Thoresby – see


For anyone fancying the track, some have also entered the Tim Wealthall Mile events being hosted by Notts AC on Friday, 18 September – see for the entry form.


London Marathon has also released entries for the virtual Virgin Money London Marathon on 4 October 2020 at cost £20 with t-shirt and medal to be sent after event.


England Athletics have written to state that the renewal registration deadline for 2020/21 for athletes has been extended until 31 August 2020. As from Tuesday, 1 September, athletes whose £15 registration fees are still outstanding will show as Not-Registered during any competition licence checks conducted by competition organisers in England Athletics. If you did not do so and wish to renew for 2020/21, the membership fee is held at £20 and payments should be made by bank transfer to account 62266253, sort code 40-10-06 – please let our Treasurer Juliet Jones know that you have paid.


EA has also confirmed that membership fees will be held for 2021/2.

Link for checking personal information on the myATHLETICS Portal:


If you have any information about races you are planning to run or any news which may be of interest to members, please pass this on to Chris for the newsletter.


Check our Facebook page for updates on routes, races, lift shares and further information.  See website at  for information about the cross country, fell and road race leagues in which we participate. Also check our Twitter account at . PBs should be notified to , together with time, distance, date and race. If you wish to be removed from the circulation list please contact with your request.



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